inside/outside space
Interpretations of Text Scores by Pauline Oliveros
Throughout her incredible life, American composer and accordionist Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016) developed a methodology for absorbing and interacting with sound known as Deep Listening. As Oliveros described it: “Deep Listening is exploring the relationships among any and all sounds whether natural or technological, intended or unintended, real, remembered or imaginary. Thought is included.” [1]
To articulate her aesthetic, Pauline Oliveros created numerous text scores for performance, inspiration, and meditation. Kiowa Hammons will use a selection of these scores as catalysts for an evening of performance and homage; utilizing saxophone, percussion, shruti box, electronics, and the sounds of the street and the audience to sculpt new interpretations of these works.
[1] Oliveros, Pauline, “What is Deep Listening”. The Center for Deep Listening. Accessed on June 21, 2022
Anna Atkins, Zygnema nitidum, 1853-09